Friday, February 25, 2011

The Buddhist ethical criteria of wholesome and unwholesome.

An ethical system is connecting with the behavior as right and wrong good and bad. The behavior in human society mostly is leading to immoral way because human’s mind is delight in the evil action. To knowing it, the Buddhist ethical system contains an explanation of good and bad behavior for living in the moral way. There are three basic factors in Buddhist ethical system namely (1) Free will. (2) Rebirth. (3) Moral Causation.
Regarding to the factors of Buddhist ethical system, one has chance to analysis and emphasize. Buddhist ethical system is a requirement for the attainment of Nibbana by spiritual morality. To get this spiritual morality, one must be self welfare first and then help other. There are four kinds of person in Buddhist ethical system. (1) Person who does not act with self welfare. (2) Person who engages in altruism action but not self welfare. (3) The person who engages in self welfare but not altruism. (4) Person who engages in actions of both self welfare and altruism. Buddhism accept that the person who acts in both altruism and self welfare choose the best.
For the sake of both altruism and self welfare, in the Anumana Sutta it is mentioned that there are two ways of inference. (1)  Inference about one self by means of other and (2) inference of other by means of one self. Of them, the first is said that “If a person engages in wrong doing such a person is unpleasant to me and I am also evil. In the power if evil thoughts I become unpleasant to other person and they also dislike me”. The second is said that “I like to live a long time and I like to enjoyable life but I dislike suffering. If I deprive a life if another who likes to live long without dying and suffering, it is disagreeable to such person”.
In Ambalatthika Rahulavada Sutta of M.N, then it is mentioned a principle to decide wholesome and unwholesome action. According to that Sutta, one should reflect when one thinks of committing action with the body, word and mind. Again when one has committed an action one has to reflect on action of doing. If one see it is harmful to oneself and other, one should considered it as unwholesome and should not do. If action appears as good for both, one should do it. It is the best way to follower the factors in the Buddhist ethical criteria of wholesome and unwholesome actions.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

What is the distinction between Kusala and Puñña

     In the mind, producing of good action are kusala( wholesome) and Puñña (merit). According to the philosophies and societies of critics Kusala and Puñña would be different condition. Kusala and Puñña are usually translated as meritorious action. The term Puñña has been regally used in the pali scriptural tradition to denote that which benefits the person who is intent on bettering his future state of existence without renouncing the pleasure of household life. The significance of the terms Puñña cannot be understood except in the context of the Buddhist doctrines of Kusala and Saṃsarā.
     Acts of Puñña in Buddhism are looked upon as those deeds which have the tendency to promote a person's happiness in the future life. Puñña helps a person to be reborn in a pleasant form of existence (sugati), whereas Pāpa leads to regression in the Saṃsaric cycle. It is believed that those who have an abundance of Pañña reborn in heavenly spheres of existence, while those who have an abundance of pāpa are reborn in woeful states of existence. The terms kusala and akusala in the pali canonical scriptures shows that there is a noteworthy difference in their definition when compared with that of the terns puñña and pāpa.
The terms kusala appears to have been used more frequently in the evolution if action leading to the higher spiritual goal of Buddhism. The anguttara nikāya which uses evaluative language in characterizing the specific modes of behavior and condition of mind which conduce to the attainment of the ultimate goal of Buddhism, omits the term Puñña but including the term kusala. A person endowed with ten qualities is called one who is endowed with kusala. The Buddha assert that the practices that are kusala gradually lead a person to the highest state, meaning the attainment of Nibbhana.
     Nibbhana, the highest spiritual attainment of Buddhism is the condition in which greed, malice and ignorance are described as akusala while the absence of them is described as kusala, akusala, unlike Puñña is no to be discarded but to be cultivated. The Buddha is said to have reflected on the face that he himself abandoned the numerous evil and unwholesome qualities and attained reflection in the numerous kusala qualities. The Buddha was venerated for possessing morally good qualities. In the context of answering certain question asked by kind Pasenadi of Kosaka, Ananda, one of the chief disciples of the Buddha, says that the Buddha is one who has discarded all sates that are akusala and possessed of states which are kusala.
     Kusala on the other hand emphasized the non-sensuous spiritual bliss, which results from if. Kusala culminates in the eradication of the defilement lobha, dosa and moha. The term that was invariable used in specifying the god action which lead to the spiritual bliss of Nibbana, whereas the term more frequently used for specifying the good action which lead to sensuous enjoyment and happiness in Saṃsarā was Puñña.

Friday, February 18, 2011

Just open mouth.

I am just open my mouth when I arrived in oversea. Being analysis by mind, there is automatically come out wrong thing and right thing. Firstly, I have already stayed with a story. Where is. After appreciated my mind, I got five things. What are they? A person who have a lot of character is created a mind or leading to the unmoral way. However, I will show off five characters how to approach our mind. Please just see our back. When we backward our steps, we call our homeland as the golden land, golden place and golden Myanmar. That is. I think that the name of golden, removing other place, we will see different characters. Change and change our position. At the moment, I just open the door of golden name. There are as follow;
1. Golden Myanmar
2. Hello Myanmar
3. Water Myanmar
4. Moderns (new era) Myanmar
5. Hot air Myanmar.
It is my thought. I don’t want to say you it will be OK. It is just open my mouth. OK!!! Let’s we going on.  
Golden Myanmar means, wherever he lived in foreign, his moral is the same Myanmar. We accept that our nationality is happy-good lucky. Making generosity, abstain from five precepts, satisfy his salary, he send money their parents. He can alive honestly even foreign. It is called him golden Myanmar. It is the same Myanmar his mind. That is why, I appreciated him.
Hello Myanmar means, he is always betting his salary. He is never even enough his salary. He spends his value time at beta home. He is better. On the other hand, a person who beta is talked without can’t do his job. His mind is the more he wants the money want. His money is easy go easy come. He never thinks correctly. If he takes money in his life, he can do unwholesome (evil) everything. He accept that money make everything. It is better idea.
Water Myanmar means, when he comes back his job, he is already bring beer or alcohol. As we know, when drink can’t decide right way, it is result. And then his environment disappoints his habit. When somebody drinks beer or alcohol, we also dislike his manner. Nowadays, the alcohol is popular day by day in the human society. We have not change to prevent their hobby but we must (protect) advice them to reduce drink. It is our duty. If they afflicted with alcohol, it is too difficult to cut off it. Especially, our nations are very like it. Even though, we know well about it how to prevent. That’s why; I just open my mouth above it. 
Modern Myanmar means, he is always talking about political without knowing or doing how to call political. It is too funny. I accept that politician means it is not honest way. Having a lot cheat and while of the condition, I don’t know how I to political.
Hot air Myanmar means, wherever he lived in the world, he is non-stop without thinking and doing his duty. And then, he gives a lot of reason his faults. Every society we can see that person. Infect, I am not critic. I am just open my mouth.