Karl Marx was a materialist. He did not believe in super natural existence. He accepts that “man makes religion, religion does not make man”. This is the nature of religion. According to Marx , Religion is an alienated institution before Karl the materialist is Ludwig feubeach interpreted the concept of religion alienation about statement is a production of Ludwig feudeach “Man creates God, God does not create man. According to Marx, alienation is a process that leads man to suffer in this world. Therefore, Religion is a means of alienation.
Marx argues that religion produced an ideological mystification of reality. In this way religion sanctifies the established order. It proclaims that the political authority of the ruling class ordained super natural authority. Mars’s view that religion mirrors economic circumstances provides helpful standing point for social science analysis as he said people need food in their vehicle before believes.
Marx’s argue that religion was a vehicle of ruling class ideological. Marx’s show how is institution and religion in servant of powerful economic and political elites in the poor accept their lot in return for a better hereafter they will stop seeing social justice here on a they will from Marx perceptive imbibe spiritual gin instead of butting on the food Marxism their by offer and apply version of social science that hell the oppressed to understand the reality if their oppressing and to find for something better.
A belief and a better hereafter also serve as confect to the poor and oppress. Marx said “religion is the opium of the people.’ Through religion the people are force into accepting their lowly position in return for a superior after life religion their by function as potent for more social controlled by keeping the poor in their place. Marx’s wanted to remove the illusory nature of religion and into export it for in ideology of the ruling class. Marx’s main objective was to liberate the working class from the oppressing of capitalism anything that serve capitalist interest included social control function of religion had to be critiqued de-mystified contested and ultimately gets up rid of religion in ruling class.
Marxism legitimates a social order base on equality empty that this is ordained by divide will. Marx’s offer and order native prospect and humanity society base on socialism and ultimately communism although and atheism. Marx was more again institutional religion then religion in it pure. The clergy was usually members of the ruling class with vested interest in keeping the poor in their place. He longed for the erosion of super natural belief and was convinced that secularization would labret people from mystify from of social oppression. He and his co-writer and friend fedrich Engles . Clean that the poor were uninterested and formal instruction of religion. However, some predation of Marx and engles proved to be false.
Karl Marx in his book contribution to the critique of Hegel’s philosophy totally defined religion in this way “Religion is the self consciousness and self-esteem of man who has either not yet formed himself or has already lost himself again. Religion is the generally theory of that world. It universe soul of consolation and justification depend on religious theory. It is the fantastic realization of the human essence because of human essence has no truth reality the struggles again religion. Is therefore indirectly a fight again the world? Religions distress is at the same time the expressing of real distress and then protects again real distress. Religion is the sigh of oppressed creature the heart offer heartless world and soul of soulless world. It is opinion of people.”
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