Citta and Cetasikas are found in Abhidhamma. In the Abhidhamma, there are Four Ultimate Reality. They are Citta, Cetasika, Rūpa and Nibhana. Citta and Cetasika are two of them. According to early Buddhist teaching, Citta is the Viññāna. Cetasika means Vedana, Saṇñā and Sankharā. However, with the development of Abhidhamma, they have to show similarities between this two. There are four similarities can be see between this two. They are “Ekkhupāda, Ekkha niroda, Ekkha Vatthuka, Ekkharammana“ . They are the four similarities.
The meaning of Citta means consciousness. The term Citta is used in Buddhist psychology, ethic and metaphysics. It is the actual element in mind and mentality and an element of consciousness. The term Citta is used in early Buddhist discourses with explanation. In the Abhidhammathasangha it is mentioned that, “Ekkhupada, Ekkhālaṃpana, Ekkha Vathukā, Ekkaniroda ”. All human actions are preformed by mind. Mind precedes all actions. Therefore human conducts are to be explained by the nature of mind.
In the early Buddhism or once occasion, it has been discussed the terms of Citta. When the Buddha preached the dhamma, he explained these terms as very equally. Accordingly, Buddha has explained that the Citta is very pure. “ Pabassara midam bhikkhave Citta ” When we think the meaning of Citta, we can identified similarity as the Citta, Mana and Viññāṇa. But, its have their own name. When we take these forms as equal terms, we can prove with the statement given by the Budhha. “Tam ca kho etha bhikkhave vuccati cittaṇ itipi, mano itipi, viññāṇa itipi”.
According to this quotation in Dīgha Nikāya, it is clearly that Citta, Mano and Viññāṇa are used in the same meaning. However, the term Citta represents subjective aspect of consciousness. In the Paṇihitaaccha Vagga of Aṅguttara Nikāya, the Buddha says: “ monks, I consider that there is no phenomenon that comes and goes so quickly as mind. It is not easy to find a simile to show how quickly mind comes and goes.
The term Cetasika is used in Buddhist psychology. The term has been variously translated into English as psychic function of events which means mental-coefficient, mental-concomitants, mental-factors and mental-elements. Etc. the Cetasika appears for the first time only in the Paṭasambhidā Magga of Khuddhaka Nikāya. When we talk about Citta, it is included 89 Cittas. Here also included 52 Setacikas. In Abhidhammathasamgha is given by the state that is “Ekkhupāda nirodācca Ekkhālambaṃa Vaṭṭhukā cetoyuttha dwepanyasa dhammā Cetasikā matā ”.
As I mention that there are four similarities . Those similarities are mentioned even in early Buddhist teaching. So, with development of Abhidhamma, those they have mentioned two kind of fact. such as, Citta and Cetasika. We can easy find there are similarities.
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