Friday, March 30, 2012

Religious fundamentalism (R S G. 301) 2012

The team fundamentalism can be applied in many different contacts. To destroy strict at hell to a set of principles all believes. For example, scientific fundamentalism, legal fundamentalism, health fundamentalism, education fundamentalism. Fundamentalism has people to set and idea type which cannot be observed practically in the society. Religious fundamentalism discriminate the approach taken by religion groups who called for the lateral interpretation of basic scripture all test and believe that the doctrine which image from such reading should be applied to all aspects of  social, cultural, economical, educational and political life.
   Religion fundamentalist believe that only one view of the world is possible and that there view is the correct one. There is no rule for multiple interpretation within religious fundamentalist movements accept to the accept meaning of scripture is restricted to a set of prevalence interpreted such as prices, clergies, monks, all other religious leaders. This views this leader a great among of authority. Not only religion in matters but also in secular one as well. Religion fundamentalist have become powerful political figure in opposition movement within main strength political party and as his heads of state religion fundamentalism is a relatively new phenomenal.
 It is only in the last three decades that the team has intend comment used it has a raised largely in respond to globalization as the forces of modernization under mind traditional element of the social word  such as Muce lear family and then domination of women by men. Fundamentalism has a raised in depend of traditional believe. In the globalization world which demand rational reason fundamentalism in set on fast basic answer and referenced to ritual true. Fundamentalism is tradition depended in the traditional way. Fundamentalism has more to do with how beliefs are depended and justify then with the contact of the beliefs themselves.
Although fundamentalism sects itself in opposition to modernity. It also employs modern approach in uncertain is belief. Christian fundamentalist in the unite state for example will among the first to use the television as a median fort spreading their doctrine. Islamic fundamentalist frighten Russian forces in Shania have develop website to set fort their views. Hindutva have used the internet and e-mail to promote feeling of Hindu idol.        
Islamic fundamental
Max Webber has suspected that a traditional religion like Islam could undergo a major revival and become the basic of importance political development in the 20 century. It is exactly what has happened in the 1980 in Iran in recent here Islamic revivalism has spice with a significant  in fact on other country including Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Algeria, Afghanistan and Nigeria to understand this situation. We should know both aspects both Islam as a religion and secular changing in it.
Islam like Christianity is religion that has continually stimulated activism the holy Quran is full of instruction to believer to struggle in the way of god. This struggle is against both unbelievers and those for introduce correction in the Muslim community. However, Islam has eternally device into sects shi’ism, splay from the main body of the entire door Islam early in its history and has remain influential shi’ism is the official religion of Iran since the 16 century and was the soul if the idea behind the Iranian revolution.
There are large shi’istes populations in other Middle Eastern country including Iraq the kind Saudi Arabia and India and Pakistan Islamic leaders said it is country however it is hands of the majority Sunni. The Sunni Muslins follows the beaten path a series of tradition deriving from the Quran which tolerate a considerable diversity of opinion in contracts to the more reject defiled views of the sects.
During the Middle age, there was a constant struggle between Christian Europe and the Muslim states which control large section of North Europe most of the land conquer by the Muslin were reclaimed by the Europeans. In the late 19 century, the inability of the Muslin world to receive the sprees of western culture left to reform movement seeking to re-stop Islam to age Original purity and strength a key idea was that Islam should respond to the western challenge by affirming  the identity of is on belief ad practices. 

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