Early discuses mentioned, there are four kinds of question in the pāli literature.
There are.
- Vibhajja..............Vyakaranīya = question that should be answered analyzing and critically.
- Ekamsa................Vyakaranīya = question that should be answered directly.
- Patipuccha.............Vyakaranīya = question that should be answered by making counter question.
- Thapanīya...............Vyakaranīya = question that should be set aside.Of them, the first three are answerable question and the last is unanswerable question. There are
also two question in the discuses. Ekamsika, definite and anekamsika, indefinite. In the Aggivaccha Sutta of Mijjhima nikāy, Aggivacchagotta came and asked ten question that all are unanswerable questions, which is called thapanīya Vyakaranīya or Avyakaranīya question.
- Bhante, Do you have the view that the world is eternal?
- Bhante, Do you have the view that the world is not eternal?
- Bhante, Do you have the view that the world is definite?
- Bhante, Do you have the view that the world is indefinite?
- Bhante, Do you have the view that the soul and the body are the same?
- Bhante, Do you have the view that the soul and the body are not same?
- Bhante, Do you have the view that the body is one and the soul the another?
- Bhante, Do you have the view that the tathāgata being exists after death?
- Bhante, Do you have the view that the tathāgata being does not exists after death?
- Bhante, Do you have the view that the tathāgata being both neither exists nor does not exists after death?
For the first question, the Buddha answered like that Vaccha, I don't have this kinds of view that the world is eternal. The rest question also,the Buddha answered in the same way. Actually, the Buddha did not answer all the ten question asked by Vacchagotta because all question are thapanīya Vyakaranīya or Avyakaranīya pannha.
If the Buddha answered that the world is eternal: It is to be said that the Buddha is Eternal ism and so on; and Nihilism. In the ten question, the first and eight question are included in Eternal ism and Nihilism, and the rest two are in contradiction.
There are some reason; for the Buddha do not answer some question asked by certain men suck as Vacchagotta, that all these question are not mend for the liberation from the Samsārā. The main aim of Buddhism is for the sake of free from Samsārā, It is suffering, pain, worriers and lamentation and so on. One purpose of Buddhist practice to achieve Nibbāna, So the Buddha did not answer some question connect with the world and Science.
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