Saturday, June 23, 2012

Religion and Gander

In many religious heirchies, women are mostly excluded from power. It is very clear in Christianity but it is also characteristic of all the major religion. Christianity is a male affair in its symbolism while Mary the mother of Jesus may sometimes being treated as if she had divined. God is the father a male figural and Jesus took the human shape a man. Woman is depicted as created from rib taken from man. There are many female figures in the Bible and some depicted as bravely however the prime a parts are reserve for male. There is not female equal to Moses. In the New Testament all the apostles are men.
These facts have not gone unnoticed by those and most in woman’s movement in 1895 Elizabeth Cady published a serious of commentary on the scripture in title of the woman Bible. In her view, God had created women and men as beings of equal value and the Bible should fully reflect this fact its masculine character she believed reflected not the authentic view of God but the fact that was written by men in 1870. The Church of England had established a committee to do what have been done many times before reproves and update the Biblical text. As she pointed out the committee contains not a single woman. She is asserted that there is no reason to support that God is male since it was clear in the scripture that all human beings were fashioned in the image of God.
Female deities are quite often found in religions across the world. These are sometime thought of as womanly gentle and loving in the other instances goodness appears as fearful destroyers woman worrier-gods are found fairly often ever though in actual social life women are only very occasionally military leaders. Now wide-ranging study of the symbolic and material environment of women in difference religion has yet being undertaken but there are seeing to be a few if any religion in which females are the dominant figures either symbolically as religions authority.
Sub-topic- Roles of woman in religion
In Buddhism females appear as important figures in the teaching of some Buddhist order. In Mahāyana Buddhism women are represented in a particularly favorable life. However, on the whole Buddhism what is evident is that it is a male created institution dominated by a various power structure in which the famine is mostly associated with the secular, powerless, profane and imperfect contracting pictures of woman appear in the Buddhist text mirroring not doubt the attitude of man to all women in the secular world. On the one hand females appear as wise maternal and gentle on the other as mysterious polluting and destructive threatening evil.
In the Buddhism woman have traditional been allowed a role as nun which has also being the main avenue for the direct expressing of female religious convection within Christianity.  The monastic life, derives from the practices of very early christen groups who lived a life of extreme power given over to meditation this individual and roles sometimes have a few connection with this established church but by the early Middle age the church had managed to gain control of most of the order they had founded monastery became fixed building with the image bound to the authority system of the Catholic church.
Some of the most influential male monastic order was founded in the 12th century, the same era as the Crusades military expectation to recover the holy land from the Muslim. The majority of woman’s order was not established until some two centuries later. Their membership remained relatively small. Many women at this time became nuns partly because of the career which was there by opened up to them in teaching and nursing. Since these occupations were controlled by the religion order as professions became separated from the church the proportion of women in the orders full.
Although the ritual and observances of difference orders vary all nuns are regarded as brides of Christ. Until changes were made in some of the order in the 20th century. Sometimes, Marriage ceremonies were carried out during the cost of which the novice could cut her hair received religious name and be given wedding ring. A novice is free to leave or can be dismissed.
Woman’s orders today show considerable diversity in their beliefs and modes life. I, some convent sister dress in full traditional habit. Other communities by contrasted are not only houses in modern building but have dropped many of the old regulation; the sister’s wearing ordinary dress. Restrictions on talking to other and certain periods of the day having relaxed together with the rules about the position of the body, such as walking with hands folded and hidden under the habit. 
  May you be health and wealth.

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